Voice craftsman? What the…?

Why ‘Voice Craftsman’?

I don’t like to call myself a voice artist, . What I do with my voice is a craft, so I call myself a “voice craftsman.” There are elements of art to what I do, but it’s more hard work than artistic flair.

Okay, this is hard to explain. Let me use an extended metaphor.

When you need someplace to sit, you don’t go asking an artist to make you a chair. You go to a chair-maker. You go to a person who knows how to make comfortable chairs quickly, efficiently, and with the least amount of fuss and bother. In short, a craftsman.

That’s not to say the work of a craftsman can’t be beautiful. Look at a Chippendale chair and tell me it isn’t a work of art. But Thomas Chippendale was a cabinet-maker, not an artist. When you hired Thomas Chippendale, you got a beautiful piece of furniture, but you got it on time, in budget, and you could actually sit on it to eat your lunch.

That’s what I do, except I don’t make wood shavings. I make noises.

Please don’t sit on me.